Word for the Day..
1 min read* Is.58:6* * * Is not this the FAST that I have chosen? To LOOSE THE BANDS OF WICKEDNESS, to UNDO HEAVY BURDENS, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye BREAK EVERY YOKE….*
*Father, by the revelation of your word, By this midst of the year Fasting season Break Every Yoke from me and my entire household, resulting in the manifestation of turnaround encounters in this midst of the Year for us this day and every day of year 2020 thereby multiplying our Breaking Limits order of Testimonies in Jesus name.
Further readings:
Matt.6:18; Zech.8:19;
Congratulations!!! God shall show up for you in this midst of the Season* Happy New Month 🍾
Be Blessed forever. #adebisibreakingforthtoday
@ *040620