January 23, 2025

The light

Isaiah 60:1-2, John 1:5

The Lion in Men..

3 min read


At one time, a newly married young man was shouting at his 20 years old wife and his father called him inside and said to him, ‘We only shout at people our threats could give fear but not the same to a woman especially the one you called your wife. The way you are shouting, you are giving away your power and she is the one you are giving it to. Your threats make her stronger’. Most men believe that when a woman is being threatened, she is subdued. Thats a lie.

Let us not be blind and still feel we have our eyes wide open. Why is it that the moment a man starts having sex even with a 15 year old girl, she stops fearing him. If she was used to running to hide before when she sees him, that stops? I will tell you something about women we have never believed.

Eve first talked with serpent, the enemy of God. She never feared to meet with him. She was the one who brought Adam closer to the serpent. Adam must have heard things about serpent from God and he kept his distance. But the woman never did the same.

Women are not changed with fear. A woman may likely stay quiet when a man is threatening and shouting but she is not sitting down inside her. She is evaluating the man’s weakness and how to subdue him rather. Throw your mind back to those days you knew the men that were beating their wives and now, the men are getting older, who is suffering it today? All those women their husband were beating years back are the ones enjoying the marriage with their children and their men are at the receiving end. They go on visits to their Children and abandon the men.

Let it become clear to men that the way into a woman’s heart is not to try to subdue her. God spoke to men and said, ‘Husbands, love your wife’. Do you need explaination about that? Love makes women weak. When you truly love a woman and prove it, she submits to you without you saying a word. But when a woman has sensed that she is just like your toy, the spirit of rebellion takes over her. She might not physically stand on your way but she is plotting coup against you and one day, you sit and watch her and her children force you to follow their rules or die quicker.

Almost all the great and fierce kings you know died before their wives. They lived all through their life threatening their fellow men and wives. They were able to kill most of their strong fellow men but all the women they threatened stayed alive. Women know how to survive against men.

The lion in men does not live up to doing to women the things it does to their fellow men. Women naturally know how to survive pains. They can walk to the fearful serpent and make their demands.

2nd kings 8:1-6, the Shunemite woman left her country because of famine with her family and returned seven years later. She found out that her family valuables have been taken over by others. Her husband never stood up. The woman went straight to the king to ask for her things back. Where was her husband? There are things women fear but not the lion inside men. They can submit and respect their men so foolishly that you imagine that there is no gut inside them. They have guts men don’t have.

We don’t have compatible relationship with women by showing the lion inside us. God knew women before us and begged that we show love than threats. He knew it won’t be a formular. The formular is, conquer your woman with love. When a woman is loved, you break all her guts and she stays in your hands. A woman can do anything to stay with a man who is honestly in love with Her.

Talk gently towards your Woman, Don’t shout. Do not arrogantly display your weakness as a Man.

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