Word for the Day: No more Reproach.
1 min read* Jos. 5:9* * ..And the Lord said unto Joshua (Adebisi), this day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day………..🔥.*
*Father, by the revelation of your word, in this New Prophetic Year, thank you for rolling away every Reproach from off our destiny throughout year 2021 in all areas for my entire household and I, resulting in irreversible manifestation of BREAKTHROUGHS for us this day, thereby multiplying our Turnaround order of Testimonies in Jesus name.*
Further readings:
Zec.3:3-4;Luke24:2;Lk 1:45
_Congratulations!!! Welcome to 2021 your Promise Land indeed!. _*
Congratulations! Prophecy shall be fulfilled this Month🍾🎉👑💰🎼
Be Blessed forever. #adebisibreakingforthtoday
@ *080221